
We've Done It

With your help we've successfully completed our first round of fund-raising for the film. We started our Indiegogo campaign not knowing what to expect. No one on our team had ever raised money that way before and we weren't really sure how to proceed. It's one thing to get people to view your trailer, to draw traffic to your website, and another thing entirely to get people to open up their wallets and donate their hard earned cash.

We had a feeling that The Bicycle City would resonate with people, especially today when so many cities around the United States and elsewhere are beginning to seriously integrate bicycles into their transportation systems. But we didn't know that our idea would strike such an emotional core in so many people around the globe. So much so that people from all over the world were willing to contribute their ideas, their money, their time translating footage, their energy spreading the The Bicycle City on their social networks.

And as we gear up for another round of fund-raising, we hope that all of you who have supported us over the last few months continue to do so. If you have any ideas you want to share about anything, do not hesitate to drop us a note at info@thebicyclecityfilm.com.

As always, we are grateful for your support, and your spreading the word about our film.